Don't buy it
It's one of the worst games iv'e ever bought. The value of everything inside is maybe worth a few dollars but you're paying $20. The quality sux, the actual game sux, and whoever pitched this idea, you're not slick or a just work for a company who gave you shelf space at walmart. I would fire the person who came up with the game and promoted it. C'mon exploding kittens, did you guys even look at this game before distribution? Your customers are paying $20 for a sack of foam and a piece of rubber with terrible games rules and strategy. The only thing you nailed was the title and the cute mischievous sack image. ADVICE: BE CREATIVE AND NOT CHEAP
Exploding Kittens
Dearest Reviewer,
We didn’t set out to be one of the worst games you’ve ever bought but now that we’ve cemented our status as a valueless turd in your eyes - we’re happy to say, we’ll be creatively working towards staying there. We won’t be cheap about it, either. I’m at the bank right now, actually.
Oh and no - we didn’t look at this game before we distributed it. We were at a Pitbull concert with the guy who gave us shelf space at Walmart and couldn’t hear our phone. It is what it is.